Governments Face Cost Hurdle To Halve CO2 By 2050: IEA

Tom Doggett, Muriel Boselli

WASHINGTON/PARIS (Reuters) - Governments will have to grapple with sharply higher upfront costs to deploy clean energy technologies and halve carbon emissions by 2050, the International Energy Agency said on Thursday.

World Needs Clean Energy Revolution: UN chief

UNITED NATIONS — Rich and poor nations need a "clean energy revolution" in order to cut greenhouse gas emissions responsible for global warming, UN chief Ban Ki-moon said here Wednesday.

Study Says Undersea Release of Methane Is Under Way


Climate scientists have long warned that global warming could unlock vast stores of the greenhouse gas methane that are frozen into the Arctic permafrost, setting off potentially significant increases in global warming.

Soot Pollution Melting Glaciers

Soot Pollution Melting Glaciers

These glaciers are a sign of what is going into your lungs. If we 
replaced all the world's coal electric power plants with nukes we'd 
breathe cleaner air and the glaciers wouldn't lose so much ice.

Fossil Fuel Production Up Despite Recession

World production of fossil fuels-oil, coal, and natural gas-increased 2.9 percent in 2008 to reach 27.4 million tons of oil equivalent (Mtoe) per day.1 (See Figure 1.) In the first half of the year, producers strained to meet global demand, but when the recession took hold later in the year the m

Climate Roulette

They say that everyone who finally gets it about climate change has an "Oh, shit" moment--an instant when the full scientific implications become clear and they suddenly realize what a horrifically dangerous situation humanity has created for itself.

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