World Risk Index 2011

Submitted by Chris on Fri, 08/10/2012 - 14:47

The actual risk for a country to suffer in a long term from a natural disaster depends on the actual exposure but also on the vulnerability of a society (how can they cope and adapt to the event). Central America as well as big parts of Africa and Asia are at high risk to suffer for a long term from natural disasters.

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Organizations Working to Create a Global Partnership for Development

Submitted by shirab12 on Tue, 07/24/2012 - 11:26

World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Poverty Environment Partnership

This picture gives the reader basic information about two organizations working to bring together members of the private, public, and volunteer sectors (as well as various existing organizatons) in order to create international development strategies and to solve problems.

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Organizations Working to Prevent or Treat Global Infectious Diseases

Submitted by shirab12 on Tue, 07/24/2012 - 11:18

International HIV/AIDS Alliance, Doctors Without Borders

This picture gives the reader some basic information about two organizations working to prevent and treat global infectious diseases in the developing world.

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Relationship Between GDP Per Capita and the Global Gender Gap Index of 2009

Submitted by shirab12 on Tue, 07/24/2012 - 11:14

World Economic Forum

This graph shows the relationship between per capita GDP of individual countries (or the average amount earned per person per year) and the Global Gender Gap Index Score (or the amount of money a woman makes for every dollar earned by a man with the same job). There is a clear, positive correlation between per capita GDP and the Gender Gap Index Score.

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Global Education Levels

Submitted by shirab12 on Tue, 07/24/2012 - 11:09

UNESCO Institute of Statistics

This combined image shows the number of years children and young adults attend school. Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and the Middle East, and North Africa are the three most education-deficient regions as shown on the map. The bottom graph depicts the distribution of years spent in school, showing the number of years spent in pre-school, grammar/secondary school, and post-secondary school by region. 

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